Affiliated Leagues

Affiliated Leagues

FIFA Rules - Laws of the Game

    Laws of the Game changes for 2019-2020


Monmouth Ocean Soccer Association (MOSA) Main Website

MOSA 2019 Coaches presentation

MOSA Rule Exceptions to the Laws of the Game

1.  Players are still required to leave the field on the side by the team bench

2. For 7 v 7 games, (U-9 / U-10) the ball is not in play on a goal kick until it leaves the penalty area


Ocean County Recreational League (OCR) Schedule

Ocean County Recreation Field Locations / Directions 

Ocean County Fall 2019 Coaches Presentation / Click Here

U-6 Rules (will use same as U-7 OCR Rules)

OCR U-7 Rules

OCR U-8 Rules

OCR U-9 / U-10 Rules

OCR U-11 / U-12 Rules